Admissions » Admission Guidelines

Admission Guidelines


In order to enter the K-3, K-4, K-5 and 1st grade classes, students must be 3 years, 4 years, 5 years or 6 years of age, respectively by September 1.  Children entering the early-childhood classes must be toilet trained.

In order to be admitted to other elementary grades the student must present official certification as to his/her grade level.

Prior to admission each prospective family must meet with the principal and tour the school.  You may call the school office at 361-852-1211 to make an appointment.

In addition, each prospective student must provide the school with the following:

  • official birth certificate
  • sacramental records (if applicable)
  • immunization records
  • report cards (if applicable)
  • transfer records (if transferring from another school)
  • copy of Social Security card

St. Patrick School will not enroll students if tuition is outstanding or if financial obligations to another school have not been cleared.

Students suspended and/or expelled from another school (public or private) will not be admitted.

Any student entering St. Patrick School for the first time will be accepted on probation for the first nine-week period.